CSP Yukon Patrol Commitment

We are a volunteer organization and invest a lot of time in training. It is hard for our instructors to train people to never see them again. On the other side, you are not benefitting from the CSP experience by not attending events. For this reason, we require a minimum commitment from every patroller as described below.  

If you chose to be mostly an Alpine patroller, we expect 10 full days at Sima which are booked in advance on our website. A full day includes both morning and evening sweeps, and ranges from 9 am to 3 or 4 pm depending on the time of the year.


Nordic patrollers must patrol 3 races/events and 7 priority patrol times at Mount MacIntyre during the winter. The priority patrol times are defined by Mount MacIntyre as periods of the day or week where the guest attendance is higher and justify patrol coverage. These are usually weeknights and weekends.

Because our summer events help keep the registration fees to a minimum, we expect patrollers to attend one summer event of their choice.

Incomplete commitment

We understand there can be some unforeseen events in life that make it harder or impossible to meet the commitment for a year. If such an unfortunate situation occurs to you (knock wood), please let the patrol leader of your discipline or president know.